Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Attempting to revive my neglected blog for... the however many-th time

It has been a while. Things got busy and exciting in Korea, and in all the busy-ness and excitement my poor blog fell by the wayside. But now I am not busy, and life now is not incredibly exciting (I do my best to make it so though!) so I don't even have those lame excuses to not update my blog.
I've stated to look forward to the beginning of NaNoWriMo (, and in preparation (What! I'm actually preparing?! I guess so!) I've been reading "No Plot, No Problem" by Chris Baty. Perhaps his words of wisdom will help me cruise to the 50k finish line a little easier than last year, when I didn't much cruise as crawl. Ah, well. Baty suggests that would-be-novelists hold off on novel-planning until one week before the novel-start-date, and I'm trying to abide by that rule, which is actually very, VERY difficult. I do scrawl down occasional ideas, but they are very disjointed and don't even belong to all the same novel, so I don't think it counts.
Along with immensely difficult task of NOT working on novel-planning, I am stocking the shelves (and by shelves I mean the tiny tupperware container) of my etsy shop. This can be fun because my most popular penny charms are those with Doctor Who quotes, which means I can watch episodes of Doctor Who in the name of furthering my etsy shop sales, which sounds positive, since my etsy shop is currently my only source of income (although I expect that will change in the next week or so).
Here are two of my newest listings, plus a sneak peak at a LOST charm I made using a Korean 100 won coin, which I will be listing in my shop within the next few days. You can check out my shop

Anyway, September has been a month of Penny Charms galore so far, and looks to continue that way, provided that JoAnn's or Michael's sees fit to stock the all-too-necessary dimensional mod-podge.

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