One night, I finished work a bit
late and headed out to catch the bus. Once on the bus, I realized I needed to go
to Emart to buy a few things. I had recently decided I need to take better care
of myself, and so I was determined to go to Emart and buy vegetables. I had no
vegetables at all in my fridge, and my new, more healthy self was not going to
be satisfied with the little tiny bit of Kimchi that I ate at school with
lunch. I therefore stayed on the bus a couple stops longer than usual and got
off near Emart. I walked the last couple blocks and then wandered inside.

Once there, I forgot the vegetables and wandered upstairs to
look at the turtles. I'm really tempted to buy a turtle from Emart, because
they're absolutely adorable, and they swim along in their little tank and try
to follow my finger along the glass, which I think is super cute. After playing
with the turtles and admiring the parakeets and all the brightly colored fish,
I wandered back downstairs and collected a zucchini, a green pumpkin, and a few
potatoes. Then I remembered that I needed coffee.
By then I was super hungry, and I was tempted to forgo the coffee,
but I knew that I would really regret that decision in a short time, as in, the
following morning when I woke up and remembered that there was no coffee. I
went to the coffee aisle. The coffee is mostly instant, which is pretty
disgusting, but I drink it at work anyway. At home though, I drink real coffee.
I grind it myself every morning in my blender and hand drip it. Mmmm. I prefer Starbucks
coffee, but at Emart, that's not an option, so I had begun purchasing a brand
called "Jardin" which tastes pretty good to me. A 1 pound bag is
about $12, which seems a decent price to me, considering Starbucks is $18.
However, this time, they were all out of the kind I usually buy, having only
the light roast, and the hazelnut available. Hazelnut is not an option for me
because I'm allergic, and I didn't really want the light roast. I like medium
and dark roast much more. While I debated my options, my stomach growled and I
actually began to consider leaving without the coffee and drinking instant
until I bothered to make another trip to Emart when they would hopefully have
"my kind" of coffee. It was at that moment, that I caught sight of
the most glorious thing: a whole kilo of "my kind" of coffee.
Whole-bean espresso roast. Yay! A kilo was a lot more than I was planning on
buying, but I pulled it from the shelf and when I saw that it was only $20 I
was delighted ( a kilo is 2.2 pounds, so that’s more than twice the amount in
the $18 Starbucks bag or coffee, or the $12 bag of Jardin coffee.). I headed to
the check-out stand without further ado, my stomach growling again as I waited
in line with my giant bag of happiness and the aforementioned vegetables (but
alas, no turtle, I still haven't committed to a pet, and probably won't ever do
so as long as I'm living in Korea).

Upon exiting Emart, and retrieving my belongings (including
two textbooks) from the lockers in the entry way, I began to second guess my
decision. Sure, it was my favorite kind of coffee. Sure, it would be really,
really tasty tomorrow morning, and it was a lot cheaper than I had expected.
But it was HEAVY. And I was SO hungry. I began to imagine how nice it would be
to stop and take a little nap on the sidewalk; anything to set down that
enormous bag for a while. Then I imagined that if I fell asleep on the
sidewalk, I would just die of starvation in my sleep and never wake up. I would
become that skeleton awkward duck that everyone just had to step around.
The Awkward Duck skeleton
Just as I was becoming extremely melodramatic and imagining
my death by kilo-of-coffee-carrying and starvation, I walked past the door to
Pizza Hut and came to an abrupt stop. It was at this point I realized that even
if I managed to keep going and not lay down and become an awkward duck skeleton
on the sidewalk, I would not only have to climb the humongous hill up to my
apartment and get inside, but once inside, I would have to cook dinner. And how
could I possibly think about cooking a healthy dinner with all those vegetables
I bought when there was the heavenly smell of gourmet pizzas wafting out of the
entry to this pizza heaven? I went inside.

Climbing the stairs up to the second floor restaurant took
all the energy I had left. The silly waitress asked me how many people would be
dining. I defiantly told her one, because there is totally nothing wrong with
going out for pizza all by your lonesome. I considered the salad bar, but since
it’s mostly comprised of kimchi and pasta salads, I decided it wouldn’t be
worth it. I chose the cheesiest pizza on the menu and decided to add on the
sweet potato mozzarella crust, because it’s my favorite. I ding-donged* the
bell and the waitress hurried over. I pointed with the pizza with the
golden-cheesy-goodness crust and she smiled. “Small?” she asked. I frowned. I
hadn’t thought about size. “Large.” I said, decisively, ignoring her look of
surprise. I told myself I would cook some zucchini when I got home, but in truth,
I just ate four slices of glorious cheesy goodness for dinner, enjoyed myself
thoroughly, and then stumbled home with my veggies and kilo of coffee, and put
the coffee in the cupboard and the veggies in the fridge, where they would
remain waiting for the day when the leftover cheesy goodness was gone and I
would once again decide to cook healthy food.

Happy Awkward Duck after pizza
*tables in
Korea have what appears to be a doorbell fixed to them, which you push when
you’re ready to order, or need anything else from the server. It’s the smartest
thing ever, and I don’t know why we don’t have them in the US.